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Uladzimir SapazhkouChief Architect, VP Americas


    In IT Industry since 2005, started as Database Development Expert in Belarusoil, LLC.

    In SAP since 2011, SAP Certified Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver.

    Worked in Oil and Gas sector.

    High-level expertise of SAP Business Warehouse modeling and implementation, SAP Business Intelligence, SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, SAP Business Objects and Web Intelligence, SAP Business Warehouse on HANA.

    Savvy on SAP BW/4HANA.

    Perfect data model design skills.

    Excellent knowledge of programming languages: VBA, ABAP/4, C/C++ (MS Visual Studio), Object Pascal (Delphi), SQL-92, PL/SQL, Transact-SQL, HANA SQL Script, HTML

    Has successfully completed an openSAP course on SAP Translation Hub in a Nutshell



    SAP Certified Application Associate – Business Intelligence with SAP NetWeaver 7.0



    SAP Business Warehouse 95%
    SAP Business Warehouse on HANA 95%
    SAP Business Intelligence 90%
    SAP Web Intelligence 85%
    SAP BPC for SAP NetWeaver 85%
    SAP Business Objects 80%
    SAP BW/4HANA 70%